chinese animation, kids, shorts
black and white, no dialogue, shorts
action, alternative world, drama, epic fantasy, fantasy, japan animator's exhibition, kaijuu, monsters, sci fi, science-fiction, shorts
action, action comedy, comedy, contemporary fantasy, crossover, cute girls doing cute things, fairy, fantasy, henshin, kids, magic, magical girl, mahou shoujo, music, new, present, primarily female cast, shorts, shoujo, super power
cg animation, cg-anime, crossover, fantasy, henshin, kids, magic, magical girl, mahou shoujo, short episodes, shorts, shoujo
black and white, chinese animation, no dialogue, shorts
action, demons, music, no dialogue, original work, robots, shorts
achromatic, independent anime, male protagonist, no dialogue, present, shorts, slice of life, work, work life
19th century, action, alternative past, comedy, europe, female protagonist, historical, mystery, original work, primarily female cast, shorts, special squads, steampunk, united kingdom
abstract, music, shorts
asia, based on a visual novel, based on an eroge, comedy, crossdressing, earth, ecchi, erotic game, game, half-length episodes, harem, japan, magic, magical girl, mahou shoujo, male protagonist, nudity, photography, present, seinen, short episodes, shorts, visual novel
animal protagonists, bears, comedy, non-human protagonists, prison, prisoner, shorts
indefinite, music, present, sci fi, science-fiction, short movie, shorts, space, supernatural drama
promotional, school, school life, short episodes, shorts
action, cg animation, cg-anime, cyborg, drama, female protagonist, full cgi, gunfights, mecha, new, nudity, post-apocalyptic, psychological, robots, sci fi, sci-fi, science fiction, short movie, shorts, urban, war
abstract, achromatic, avant garde, black and white, dementia, educational, indefinite, plants, shorts, silent movie
abstract, drama, shorts, supernatural
adventure, drama, fantasy, male protagonist, music, new, shorts