fantasy, kids, shorts, stop motion animation
adventure, animal protagonists, anthropomorphic, comedy, fantasy, kids, non-human protagonists, sci-fi, shorts, space
achromatic, animal protagonists, animals, black and white, drama, fairy tale, kids, non-human protagonists, revenge, shorts
comedy, demons, independent anime, no dialogue, original work, shorts
action, adventure, advertisement, based on a manga, dark fantasy, fantasy, henshin, hero of strong character, kaiju, male protagonist, military, parody, shorts, shounen, stoic hero, super power, swords & co
action, combining mecha, crossover, kids, mecha, sci-fi, shorts, trains
promotional, shorts, slice of life
abstract, avant garde, avant-garde, body horror, dementia, horror, medical, no dialogue, pov, psychological, shorts, surreal comedy
action, action comedy, animal protagonists, anthropomorphic, beastman, black and white, comedy, fantasy, historical, short movie, shorts
abstract, shorts
daily life, present, primarily female cast, romance, short episodes, shorts, slice of life
abstract, adventure, no dialogue, shorts, stop motion animation
anime tamago, bullying, child protagonists, drama, elementary school, japan, kodomo, present, primarily child cast, psychological, psychological drama, school, school life, shorts, wakate animator ikusei project
abstract, based on a fairy tale, psychological, shorts, stop motion animation
avant garde, shorts
animal protagonists, kids, music, non-human protagonists, shorts
animal protagonists, animals, anthropomorphic, drama, non-human protagonists, shorts, stop motion, stop motion animation
drama, family life, female protagonist, no dialogue, ocean, primarily female cast, ship, shorts
music, shorts