avant garde, horror, music, psychological, shorts
abstract, dementia, music, shorts
cg animation, contemporary fantasy, fairy, fantasy, full cgi, music, no dialogue, romance, short movie, shorts, slice of life
animal protagonists, non-human protagonists, shorts, stop motion animation
achronological order, action, adventure, fantasy, female protagonist, full cgi, magic, monster, monsters, new, no dialogue, original work, short movie, shorts
abstract, shorts
action, action game, animal protagonists, anthropomorphic, based on a video game, bionic powers, cg animation, cg-anime, cgi, comedy, family friendly, fantasy, full cgi, game, ghost, ghosts, magic, male protagonist, no dialogue, non-human protagonists, parody, photography, psi-powers, shorts, supernatural, werewolf
psychological, shorts, stop motion animation
afterlife, avant garde, drama, independent anime, kuudere, melancholy, mystery, no dialogue, sentimental drama, shorts, supernatural
shorts, slice of life
drama, illness, no dialogue, shorts
drama, shorts, slice of life, slice of life drama, stop motion, stop motion animation
anthropomorphism, family friendly, fantasy, kids, mina, present, school, short episodes, shorts
action, drama, shorts
achromatic, action, action comedy, adventure, animal protagonists, animals, anthropomorphism, aviation, black and white, comedy, japanese anime classic collection, military, no dialogue, non-human protagonists, original work, short movie, shorts, silent movie, slapstick, war
abstract, shorts
archery, asia, daily life, drama, earth, idol, japan, present, primarily female cast, romance, school, school life, short movie, shorts, slice of life
abstract, meta, psychological, shorts, slice of life
action, flash animation, mecha, military, shorts
adventure, animals, asia, coming of age, countryside, drama, earth, foreign, historical, kids, kodomo, male protagonist, past, promotional, shorts