abstract, avant garde, no dialogue, psychological, shorts
black and white, independent anime, psychological, shorts, slice of life
based on a manga, indefinite, japan animator's exhibition, no dialogue, seinen, shorts, slice of life, stop motion animation
based on a manga, breaking the fourth wall, comedy, flash animation, gag, psychic powers, school life, shorts, shounen, supernatural, superpowers
animal protagonists, chinese animation, dogs, non-human protagonists, shorts
cg animation, no dialogue, shorts
action, action drama, dentists, dragon, dragons, drama, fantasy, japan animator's exhibition, shorts, war
chinese animation, drama, melancholy, no dialogue, shorts
abstract, avant garde, black and white, dementia, shorts
drama, historical, royalty, shorts
abstract, shorts
action, action drama, alternative world, cgi, dark fantasy, drama, fantasy, fantasy world, female protagonist, feudal warfare, foreign, game, gore, military, past, primarily adult cast, psi-powers, seinen, shorts, super power, supernatural, swordplay, swords & co, tragedy, violence, war
drama, fashion, korean animation, melancholy, shorts
independent anime, psychological, puppetry, shorts, stop motion, stop motion animation
fantasy, mystery, shorts, supernatural
action, assassins, cyberpunk, gunfights, guns, new, original work, promotional, science-fiction, shorts, swordplay