abstract, avant garde, dementia, korean animation, music, shorts
crime fiction, drama, japan animator's exhibition, mystery, police, present, shorts
drama, shorts, slice of life
abstract, music, no dialogue, shorts, work life
abstract, female protagonist, independent anime, kids, no dialogue, original work, psychological, shorts
abstract, avant garde, dementia, independent anime, new, no dialogue, short movie, shorts, stop motion, stop motion animation
action, crossover, fantasy, magic, martial arts, puppetry, shorts, swordplay
anime influenced, based on a cartoon, childcare, comedy, fantasy, non-human protagonists, shorts
chinese animation, kids, shorts, stop motion animation
action, chinese animation, comedy, sci fi, sci-fi, shorts, super power
child protagonists, drama, primarily male cast, psychological, shorts, slice of life, stop motion, stop motion animation
abstract, cars, psychological, shorts
anime tamago, fantasy, mecha, robots, sci fi, shorts, slice of life, super robot, time manipulation, wakate animator ikusei project
promotional, shorts, tourism
abstract, comedy, educational, fantasy, psychological, shorts
abstract, shorts
drama, romance, shorts, slice of life
no dialogue, psychological, shorts, slice of life
black and white, drama, shorts