adventure, animal protagonists, black and white, comedy, frogs, non-human protagonists, short movie, shorts, silent movie, war
black and white, historical, shorts
black and white, puppetry, romance, shorts, stop motion animation
abstract, black and white, cgi, independent anime, music, no dialogue, present, short episodes, shorts, slice of life, supernatural drama
drama, historical, shorts
abstract, avant garde, based on a fairy tale, black and white, dementia, fantasy, horror, shorts
based on a song, cgi, comedy, drama, ensemble cast, fantasy, guns, magic, mystery, pov, romance, sci-fi, science fiction, shorts, slice of life, super power, supernatural
abstract, avant garde, award winning, black and white, dementia, sci-fi, science fiction, shorts, stop motion animation
based on a tv series, classic literature, drama, monsters, no dialogue, promotional, shorts, supernatural
avant garde, dementia, fantasy, monsters, shorts
abstract, fantasy, shorts, supernatural
action, cg animation, cg-anime, full cgi, kaiju, monsters, sci fi, sci-fi, science fiction, shorts
kaijuu, monster, monsters, shorts
fantasy, kaiju, kaijuu, mystery, psychological, sci fi, shorts
abstract, achromatic, avant garde, black and white, dementia, indefinite, music, musical, no dialogue, shorts
achromatic, action, action comedy, adventure, animal protagonists, animals, black and white, comedy, japanese anime classic collection, no dialogue, non-human protagonists, ocean, original work, short movie, shorts
educational, historical, kids, shorts
drama, shorts