based on a manga contemporary fantasy demon drama fantasy ghost hunters horror japan magic manga plot continuity present shoujo super power supernatural tragedy violence
Rating: 6.34
Hengen Taima Yakou Karura Mau! Sendai Kokeshi Onka, Hengentai Mayakou Karura Mau! Sendai Kokeshi Enka, Hengentaimayakou Karuramau! Sendaikokeshienka, Karura Mau, 変幻退魔夜行 カルラ舞う! 仙台小芥子怨歌, 変幻退魔夜行 カルラ舞う! 仙台小芥子怨歌
Shoko and Maiko Ougi are apparently two ordinary schoolgirls in pursuit of graduating and having fun. Shii-chan is the more serious while Mai-chan is more fun-loving. In reality, the two sisters are powerful exorcists from the Karura temple. Each wields half the power... Shii-chan can "