action adventure based on a manga comedy gag humor parody present romance school school life shounen slice of life
Rating: 6.03
High School! Funny-face Club Movie, High School! Kimengumi (1986), High School! Kimengumi Movie, Kimengumi movie, Teenage Masked Tribe, ハイスクール! 奇面組 (1986), ハイスクール!奇面組 劇場版, ハイスクール!奇面組 (1986)
Three additional adventures for the Kimengumi and friends. In the first episode, the boys fail their exams right before summer vacation and have to take supplementary lessons. The second episode is a mandatory school trip to the beach during summer vacation for a swimming competition. In the third episode school is back in session, the karate club is in danger when a new opponent appears.