anime & movie based on a manga chibi comedy cute girls doing cute things ensemble cast family life female protagonist food gag genius high school manga manga & doujinshi moe otaku culture parody present primarily female cast school school life seinen siblings slapstick slice of life slice of life comedy super deformed tsundere urban verbal comedy
Rating: 7.1
Beautiful Little Sister! Umaru-chan, Himōto! Umaru-chan, My Two-Faced Little Sister, ひもうとうまるちゃん, 干物妹! うまるちゃん, 干物妹! 小埋, 干物妹! うまるちゃん, 干物妹!うまるちゃん, 干物妹!小埋, 我家有個魚乾妹, 건어물 여동생! 우마루짱
People are not always who they appear to be, as is the case with Umaru Doma, the perfect high school girl&mdash