alternative world anthropomorphic cg animation cg-anime chibi comedy crossover cute girls doing cute things episodic female protagonist full cgi game half-length episodes isekai new non-human protagonists original work parody present primarily female cast school school life short episodes slapstick slice of life verbal comedy video game video games virtual reality virtual world
Rating: 6.49
Hi Scoool! Seha Girl, Hi-sCool! Seha Girls, Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl, Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girl, Hi☆sCoool! Sega Hard Girl, Hi☆sCoool! Sega Hard Girls, Hi☆sCoool! Seha Girls, Hi☆sCoool! セハガール, Sega Hard Girls, はいすくーるせはがーる, 世嘉硬件女孩
The story of the anime will revolve around Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Mega Drive, who have just enrolled in SeHaGaga Academy at Tokyo'