action adventure alternative world apocalyptic fiction based on a manga bionic powers desert drama dystopia earth excessive violence fighting-shounen gore hand to hand combat magic male protagonist manga martial arts overpowered main characters post apocalypse post-apocalyptic psi-powers revenge romance shounen splatter super power tragedy violence war
Rating: 7.45
Fist of the North Star - Raoh Side Story Junai Arc, Fist of the North Star 1: Legend of Raoh - Death for Love, Fist of the North Star. Legend of Raoh - Death for Love, Fist of the North Star: Legend of Raoh - Chapter of Death and Love, Fist of the North Star: Legend of Raoh - Chapter of Death in Love, Fist of the North Star: Legend of Raoh - Death for Love, Fist of the North Star: Legends of the True Savior (Chapter 01), Fist of the North Star: Raoh Side Story Junai Arc, Fist of the North Star: Raou Side Story Junai Arc, Fist of the North Star: The Legend of the True Savior - Legend of Raoh: Chapter of Death in Love, Fist of the North Star: The Legend of the True Savior: Legend of Raoh: Chapter of Death in Love, Hokuto no Ken 1 - L`ère de Raoh, Hokuto no Ken Movie 2006, Hokuto no Ken: L'Ere de Raoh, Ken il guerriero - La leggenda di Hokuto, Ken il guerriero: La leggenda di Hokuto, Legend of Raoh: Chapter of Death in Love, Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken Raou-den Jun`ai no Shou, Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken Raou-den Junai no Shou, Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raou-den - Jun’ai no Shou, Shin Kyūseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raō-den - Jun’ai no Shō, hnk movie 2, ฤทธิ์หมัดดาวเหนือ ภาค ตำนานราโอ บท พลีชีพเพื่อรัก, 真救世主伝説 北斗の拳 ラオウ伝 殉愛の章, 真救世主伝説 北斗の拳ラオウ伝 殉愛の章, 真救世主传说 北斗神拳 拉欧传 殉爱之章, 북두신권 - 라오우전 순애의 장
Kenshiro is the heir of the legendary martial arts known as Hokuto Shinken, which can kill a man with a single blow, by striking the pressure points in the enemy'