agriculture aliens animal protagonists animals anthropomorphic autobiographical autobiographies based on a manga chibi comedy countryside dystopian economics educational female protagonist hokkaido manga present rural school short episodes shoujo slice of life space
Rating: 6.7
Aristocracia campesina, Hyakusho Kizoku-the farmer's days, Hyakusho Kizoku: Aristocracia Campesina, Hyakusho Kizoku: Aristocracia Rural, Hyakusho Kizoku: The Farmer’s Days, Hyakushō Kizoku, Noble Farmer, Nobles Paysans, The Peasant Noble, รากหญ้าบรรดาศักดิ์, 百姓貴族
Renowned manga artist Hiromu Arakawa has an unusual backstory: she used to work on a farm in Hokkaido, the food warehouse of Japan, for seven years! To her editor, Ishii, harvesting produce and milking cows are foreign concepts