based on a manga cohabitation college comedy coming of age drama family life female protagonist genius heterosexual high school japan language barrier lgbtq+ themes love triangle male protagonist manga marriage medicine opposites attract plot continuity present primarily adult cast primarily teen cast romance romantic comedy school school life shoujo slice of life tennis time skip tsundere university work workplace
Rating: 7.41
It Started With A Kiss, ItaKiss, Itakisu, Itazurana Kiss, Mischievious Kiss, Mischievous Kiss, Naughty Kiss, Playful Kiss, Teasing Kiss, Yaramaz Öpücük, ink, itakiss, Дяволита целувка, Озорной поцелуй, Шаловливый поцелуй, いたずらなきす, イタズラなKiss, 恶作剧之吻
When her newly-built home is razed to the ground by an earthquake, low-achieving, clumsy, and troublesome third-year high school student Kotoko Aihara is forced to share a roof with the school'