action adult audience only adult cast adventure asia bionic powers conspiracy crime cyberpunk cyborg detective drama ecchi excessive violence female protagonist genetic modification gore gunfights guns heroine of strong character human enhancement japan law and order magic manga original work plot continuity police policeman power suit present primarily adult cast psi-powers psychic powers robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction splatter struggle to survive super power supernatural swords & co terrorism thriller tsundere urban violence
Rating: 5.99
エンジェルコップ, エンゼルコップ, エンゼル・コップ
Sometime in the future, terrorism in Japan has become commonplace, and the police have become almost as brutal as criminals. A member of the Special Security Force known as Angel, is the best of the best, stopping at nothing in her fight for justice. Things get interesting for Angel and her partner, Raiden, when they begin investigating a series of murders in which the victims were known criminals, killed in very unpleasant ways. This trio of killers known as Hunters, is a group of psychics that have banded together to hunt down the lowest scum in the city and bring them to justice. After a couple of encounters between the cops and the psychics, two of the psychics begin to think that maybe they'