based on a webtoon bisexual chinese animation comedy episodic family life manhua present primarily teen cast school school life short episodes siblings slapstick slice of life
Rating: 7.34
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai 5, Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 5 (兄に付ける薬はない! 5), Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 5th Season, Kuai Ba Wo Ge Dai Zou 5, Please Take My Brother Away 5, Please Take My Brother Away! 5, Take My Brother Away 5, Take My Brother Away! 5, anitsukeru5, 兄に付ける薬はない! 5, 兄に付ける薬はない!5, 快把我哥带走 5, 快把我哥带走 第5季, 快把我哥带走5, 快把我哥帯走5
The Shi siblings have a lot on their plates, such as needing to stay frugal, passing their exams, and constantly dealing with each others'