achronological order adventure alternative world apocalyptic fiction based on a light novel comedy cute girls doing cute things dark comedy dystopia episodic fairy fantasy female protagonist food future lost civilization magic nonsense-comedy novel post apocalypse post-apocalyptic robots robots & android satire sci-fi science fiction seinen slice of life supernatural drama surreal comedy time manipulation tone changes twisted story verbal comedy yandere
Rating: 7.71
El declive de la humanidad, Humanity Has Declined, Humanity Has Declined: (Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita), Jintai, Mankind Has Fallen, Човечеството запада, ตัวฉันกับวันสิ้นโลก, じんるいはすいたいしました, 人类衰退之后, 人退, 人類は衰退しました, 人類衰退之後, 인류는 쇠퇴했습니다
Because of the constantly declining birth rates over many decades, human civilization is all but extinct. With only a few humans remaining, they survive in this post-apocalyptic world with what was left behind by the previous generations. Earth is now dominated by fairies, tiny creatures with extremely advanced technology, an obsession with candy, and a complete disregard for human safety. A young girl who has just finished her studies returns to her hometown and is designated as an official United Nations arbitrator. Her duty is to serve as a link between mankind and fairies, reassuring each side that both races can live together peacefully. She imagines this task will be easy enough, but controlling the disasters created by the oblivious fairies in their pursuit of candy will require a lot more effort than she initially believes. [Written by MAL Rewrite]