action adventure apocalyptic fiction based on a manga drama dystopia environmental future male protagonist manga mystery noitamina other planet plot continuity primarily male cast sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shoujo space survival time skip tragedy twins violence
Rating: 7.19
Hayvan Kral`ın Gezegeni, Ju Oh Sei, Juuohsei, Juuousei, Jyu Oh Sei, Jyu-Oh-Sei, Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet of the Beast King, Jūōsei, Planet of the Beast King, Planet of the Beast King - Jyu-Oh-Sei, Ο Πλανήτης του Βασιλιά των Θηρίων, Планета короля зверей, Планетата на Краля на Зверовете, كوكب ملك الوحوش, じゅうおうせい, 兽王星, 獣王星
After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "