4-koma manga based on a 4-koma manga based on a manga chibi comedy convenience store crime ensemble cast female protagonist japan juujin manga nonsense-comedy present secret identity short episodes slapstick thievery thieves verbal comedy
Rating: 5.59
Kaito Reina, Kaitō Reinya, Phantom Thief Reinya, Неуловимая воровка Рейня, Таинственный похититель Лена, かいとうれーにゃ, 怪盗レーニャ, 怪盗丽奈, 怪盗丽娅
Reinya appears to be an ordinary girl working at a convenience store but she is in fact, the Phantom Thief Reinya. Together with her assistant Chūtarō in their secret hideout right below the local convenience store, Reinya hatches plans to steal various treasures made of gold. They face an incompetent trio of a perverted police inspector, a policewoman who is a natural airhead, and a detective totally infatuated with Reinya, all of them in a police station beside Reinya'