asia based on a light novel comedy coming of age crime crime fiction detective detectives drama drugs earth episodic gangs genius hikikomori japan mafia male protagonist moe mystery neet noir novel philosophy present seinen slice of life suicide tone changes tragedy transgender yakuza
Rating: 7.47
God's Notebook, God’s Memo Pad, Gottes Notizblock, Heaven's Memo Pad, Heaven`s Memo Pad, Heaven’s Memo Pad, Heaven’s Memo Pad: It’s the Only NEET Thing to Do, It's the Only NEET Thing to Do, Kami-sama no Memo-chou, Kamisama no Memo-chou, Kamisama no Memo-chou: It's the Only NEET Thing to Do., Kamisama no Memo-chou: It`s the Only NEET Thing to Do., Kamisama no Memo-chō, Notebook of God, Notepad of God, god`s notebook, kamimemo, Бележникът на Бог, Блокнот Бога, Бурханы тэмдэглэлийн дэвтэр, Записная книжка Бога, ผ่าคดีลับนักสืบนีท, かみさまのめもちょう, 神様のメモ帳, 神様のメモ帳 It`s the only NEET thing to do., 神的记事本
Narumi Fujishima may seem like a normal high school student at first glance, but in reality he is a pessimistic outsider. Due to his father'