animals anime tamago anthropomorphism asia countryside drama earth fantasy full cgi japan kamis kids novel present romance rural school shorts slice of life slice of life drama supernatural supernatural drama urban fantasy wakate animator ikusei project
Rating: 6.08
2016 Young Animator Training Project, Anime Tamago, Anime Tamago 2016, Animetamago 2016, Kaze no Matasaburou (2016), Kaze no Matasaburō (2016), MATASABURO of the Wind, Matasaburou of the Wind, Matsubaro of the Wind, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project, 風の又三郎, 風の又三郎 (2016), 風の又三郎 (Movie), 風の又三郎 (2016)
A girl moves from the city and goes to school in the country due to some circumstances in her father'