action adoption adventure alternate universe alternative world based on a light novel comedy coming of age conspiracy demon demons ensemble cast fantasy found family gods hero of strong character heterosexual isekai magic male protagonist military monster novel overpowered main characters parallel world person in a strange world reincarnation romance school school club super power tragedy
Rating: 6.62
Kengo, Magi's Grandson, Philosopher's Grandson, The Sage's Grandson, The Wise Grandson, Wise Man's Grandchild, Wise Man`s Grandchild, Wise Man’s Grandchild, Внук мудреца, หลานจอมปราชญ์, けんじゃのまご, 賢者の孫, 贤者之孙
In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Wolford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin'