action action comedy aliens based on a manga comedy frogs kids kuudere manga non-human protagonists parody sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen tokusatsu
Rating: 7.22
Chou Gekijouban Keroro Gunsou, Gekijouban Keroro Gunsou, Gekijōban Keroro Gunsō, Keroro Gunsou the Movie, Keroro La gran invasión, Seargeant Ribbit Movie, Sergeant Frog Movie, Sergeant Keroro Movie, Sergeant Keroro: The Super Duper Movie, Sergeant Ribbit Movie, 劇場版 ケロロ軍曹, 超劇場版 ケロロ軍曹
Sergeant Keroro and his four subordinates came from the planet Keron to the Earth to conquer. However, without notice, they began to enjoy the life on the Earth. Keroro was supposed to stay with Hitana to get the chance to conquer the Earth, but he became friend with Hinata'