asia based on a manga bullying comedy coming of age drama earth estranged family family life female protagonist friendship heterosexual high school japan love polygon love triangle manga plot continuity present primarily teen cast romance romantic drama school school club school life shoujo slice of life tragedy
Rating: 7.63
Aoharaido, Blue Spring Ride, Youth Ride, aoha, Дорога юности, Неудержимая юность, Пътят на младостта, あおはらいど, アオハライド, 青春之旅
While most young girls make an effort to show off their feminine charms, Futaba Yoshioka deliberately behaves like she wants to repel anyone who might be attracted to her. Ostracized by her female classmates in middle school for being a little too popular with the boys, she desperately strives to avoid a similar situation in high school by being unnecessarily noisy and graceless. Nevertheless, scattered among Futaba'