action adventure based on a manga cg animation cg-anime cgi chinese animation chinese production fantasy full cgi new sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction short episodes
Rating: 6.35
AO TU Shi Jie, AOTU World, Āo Tū Shì Jiè, Ō Totsu Sekai, Ōtotsu Sekai, おうとつせかい, おうとつ世界, 凹凸世界, 凹凸世界 (吹替版), 凹凸世界 第一季, 凹凸(おうとつ)世界
A god created AOTU World and established the 7 Oracles to rule it on behalf of this god. The poor and rich, enslaved and free, suffering and happiness, destruction and birth: every status is ordained by God. Mortals can only accept, but cannot resist. However, God has given his people the opportunity to change their fate through "