action adventure anime & movie asia band based on a card game bionic powers college coming of age contemporary fantasy drama earth fantasy idol japan magic male protagonist music musical band mystery plot continuity present psi-powers psychological drama romance romantic drama sci-fi seinen shounen super power supernatural work
Rating: 6.05
Aquarian Age, L'age du Verseau, L'Âge du Verseau: Signe d'évolution, L`âge du Verseau - Signe d`évolution, アクエリアンエイジ Sign for Evolution, 水瓶新世纪
Five supernatural factions have been fighting against each other for who knows how many centuries, with the beginning of Aquarian Age always in mind. Kyouta, soon begins to see visions of mystical girls fighting, except they do exist. Soon he and his girlfriend Yoriko become involved and the battle for Earth and Aquarian Age lies in their hands. (Source: ANN)