action based on a light novel body swapping cgi comedy conspiracy crime crime fiction detective diva drama fantasy female protagonist genius gore heterosexual hikikomori island kuudere maids male protagonist mansion mystery novel ojou-sama philosophy present primarily adult cast primarily female cast psi-powers psychological romance serial killers ships stoic hero super power supernatural supernatural drama thriller time skip tomboy tragedy twisted story verbal comedy
Rating: 7.75
Decapitation Cycle, Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savan to Zaregoto Tsukai, Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai, Kubikiri Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User, The Beheading Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense Bearer, The Headless Cycle, The Kubikiri Cycle, The Kubishime Romanticist, Zaregoto Series, kubikiricycle, Обезглавливающий цикл: Синий Савант и Повелитель Бессмыслиц, クビキリサイクル 青色サヴァンと戯言遣い, 戯言シリーズ, 斩首循环: 蓝色学者与戏言跟班, 잘린머리사이클: 청색 서번트와 헛소리꾼
Due to a mysterious disease, the genius Iria Akagami has been forced by her family to stay in a mansion on the isolated Wet Crow'