action adventure alternative world based on a manga conspiracy desert drama dystopia dystopian excessive violence fantasy gore heterosexual island isolated society kuudere lost civilization magic male protagonist manga musical mystery outside world post apocalypse psi-powers psychological psychological drama romance rural sci-fi science fiction ships shoujo suicide super power tragedy war
Rating: 7.17
Balinaların Çocukları, Children of the Whales, Die Walkinder, Hijos de las Ballenas, KujiSuna, Kujira no Kora wa Sajō ni Utau, Les Enfants de la Baleine, Les enfants de la baleine, Tales of the Wales Calves, Whale Calves Sing on the Sand, cotw, kujisuna, ילדי הלוויתנים, أبناء الحيتان, ลำนำของเหล่าลูกปลาวาฬ, くじらのこらはさじょうにうたう, クジラの子らは砂上に歌う, 泥鲸之子们在沙地上歌唱, 고래의 아이들은 모래 위에서 노래한다
In a world covered by an endless sea of sand, there sails an island known as the Mud Whale. In its interior lies an ancient town, where the majority of its inhabitants are said to be "