alternative world anime tamago asia drama earth female protagonist future japan kids new no dialogue sci-fi science fiction shorts slice of life slice of life drama visual arts wakate animator ikusei project
Rating: 5.96
2015 Young Animator Training Project, Anime Mirai 2015, Anime Mirai Project 2015, Kumi and Tulip, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2015, Young Animator Training Project 2015, クミとチューリップ, 红美与郁金香
Kumi is a little girl who lives in a world with sparkling metal skyscrapers, and where robots support everything. Kumi's playground is a garden by one of those skyscrapers with a man-made water fountain, artificial vegetation, and digital water and butterflies. Kumi meets an old man who visits the park every day to paint the artificial flowers. The old man tells Kumi of when he discovered a "