action adventure based on a manga comedy ecchi game parody present school shoujo shounen slice of life video game video games
Rating: 4.66
Arcade Gamer Fubuki Extra, Arcade Gamer Fubuki Special, Arcade Gamer Fubuki Special Story, Arcade Gamer Fubuki: Paradise Beyond the Wall, Arcade Gamer Fubuki: Tokebetsu-hen - Kabe no Mukou no Paradise, Arcade Gamer Fubuki: Tokebetsu-hen - Kabe no Mukō no Paradise, Extra Stage ~The paradise of the other side of the wall~, Special story ~Paradise beyond the wall~, アーケードゲーマーふぶき, アーケードゲーマーふぶき 特別編 〜カべノムコウノパラダイス〜, アーケードゲーマーふぶき 特別編 ~カベノムコウノパラダイス~