action adventure asia based on a manga bionic powers body horror cyberpunk drama earth excessive violence gore horror japan kaiju male protagonist manga martial arts parasite power suit power suits present romance sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen super power tokusatsu vampire violence
Rating: 7.09
Bio-Booster Armor Guyver, Guyver, Guyver (OAV), Guyver: The Bio-boosted Armor, Kyōshoku Sōkō Guyver (1989), The Guyver, The Guyver: Bio-Boosted Armor, The Guyver: Bio-Booster Armor, Гайвер, きょうしょくそうこうがいばー, 強殖装甲ガイバー, 強殖装甲ガイバー (1989), 強殖装甲ガイバー (1989)
Shou and his friend, Tetsurou, stumble upon a strange orb-like mechanism, the Guyver Unit, in the woods. It physically bonds with Shou and turns him into the alien soldier, Guyver. His mission is to protect the Guyver Unit from the Japanese corporation known as Chronos. They are after it and two other units just like it. To retrieve the object, they send out vicious monsters known as Zoanoids. So no one is safe in Shou'