action adventure apocalyptic fiction award winning based on a manga desert drama fantasy female protagonist fugitive gender bender gender bending impersonation manga nobleman pirate pirates plot continuity post apocalypse post-apocalyptic revenge romance sci-fi science-fiction shoujo swordplay swords & co tragedy twins war
Rating: 7.27
Basara, LEGEND OF BASARA, LoB, lob, れじぇんどおぶばさら, レジェンド オブ バサラ, 婆娑罗
In a small village, twins are born: a boy, Tatara, and a girl, Sarasa. The prophet Nagi declares that Tatara is the chosen one who will free Japan from the tyrannical rule of the King and his four sons. But when the ruthless Red King slays Tatara, Sarasa must take on her brother'