adventure amnesia androids based on a manga chibi child protagonists curse drama environmental fantasy fantasy world female protagonist femboy gore horror lost civilization male protagonist monster girl mystery non-human protagonists orphans outside world primarily child cast psychological recap robot robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction seinen skeleton steampunk survival travel
Rating: 8.17
MADE IN ABYSS: Journey's Dawn, MADE IN ABYSS: Tabidachi no Yoake, Made In Abyss: Die Reise Beginnt, Made in Abyss Movie 1: Journey's Dawn, Made in Abyss Part 1: Journey's Dawn, Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn, Made in Abyss: Tabidachi no Yoake, メイドインアビス 旅立ちの夜明け, 劇場版総集編【前編】メイドインアビス 旅立ちの夜明け
The movie is a compilation of episodes 1-8 of the 2017 television series with new scenes added for the introduction. It covers the period from when Riko descends into the Abyss with her robot companion Reg, reaching the second layer where they meet the White Whistle Ozen who reveals information about Riko'