action adventure alternative world based on a manga comedy coming of age cult desert drama dungeon epic fantasy fantasy foreign genies hero of strong character historical magic magic school male protagonist manga martial arts middle eastern monster nudity pirates political politics reincarnation romance royal affairs school life shounen slapstick splatter super power swordplay swords & co tanned skin tragedy verbal comedy war
Rating: 8.21
Magi - The Kingdom of Magic, Magi 2, Magi 2, The Kingdom of Magic, Magi Season 2, Magi Second Season, Magi Staffel 2, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic 2, Magi: The kingdom of magic, Маги - Кралство на магия, ماجي: مملكة السحر, ماگی : پادشاهی سحر و جادو, まぎざきんぐだむおぶまじっく, マギ The Kingdom of Magic, マギ The Kingdom of magic, マギ The kingdom of magic, マギ The labyrinth of magic 2, 天方魔谭MAGI 第二季
After celebrating their victory against Al-Thamen, Aladdin and his friends depart the land of Sindria. With the end of the battle, however, comes the time for each of them to go their separate ways. Hakuryuu and Kougyoku are ordered to go back to their home country, the Kou Empire. Meanwhile Aladdin announces he needs to head for Magnostadt&mdash