adventure alternative world based on a light novel comedy demon demon king demons dystopia economics educational fantasy fantasy world foreign hero of strong character heterosexual historical interspecies relationship love triangle magic maids medieval middle ages monster girl mythology non-human protagonists novel older woman, younger man past plot continuity politics primarily adult cast romance seinen swords & co teacher war
Rating: 7.23
Archenemy and Hero, Demon King and Hero, Maoyu, Maoyu Maou Yusha, Maoyu ~ Archenemy & Hero, Maoyu: Archenemy & Hero, Maoyu: Archenemy and Hero, Maoyū Maō Yūsha, maoyuu, Герой при заклятом враге, まおゆうまおうゆうしゃ, まおゆう魔王勇者, 魔王勇者, 마오유우 마왕용사
Fifteen years have passed since the war between humans and demons began. Dissatisfied with their slow advance into the Demon Realm, the Hero abandons his companions to quickly forge ahead towards the Demon Queen'