action adventure anthology apocalyptic fiction award winning collections comedy cyberpunk drama dystopian episodic guns horror indefinite male protagonist manga memory manipulation military mopeds mystery original work politics present primarily adult cast primarily male cast psychological psychological drama sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction space steampunk supernatural drama tragedy war work
Rating: 7.72
Amintiri, Anılar, Atsiminimai, Cannon Fodder, Emlékek, Hatıralar, Kanojo no Omoide, MEMORIES, MEMORIES(メモリーズ), Magnetic Rose, Memories - muistoja tulevaisuudesta, Memórias, Recuerdos, Recuerdos peligrosos, Saishuu-heiki, Stink Bomb, Taihou no Machi, Wspomnienia, Воспоминания о будущем, Спогади, Спомени, メモリーズ, 回忆三部曲, 回憶三部曲, 大砲の街, 彼女の想いで, 最臭兵器, 메모리즈
Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. Magnetic Rose In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers&mdash