action based on a manga drama female protagonist manga present primarily female cast romance school school life shoujo slice of life slice of life drama sports team sport team sports volleyball
Rating: 6.62
Attacker YOU!, Attacker Yuu!, Dos Fuera de Serie, Juana y Sergio, Dos fuera de serie, Dos fuera de serie: Juana y Sergio, Jeanne & Serge, Jeanne et Serge, Joana e Sérgio, O Desafio dos Anjos, Joana e Sérgio: O Desafio dos Anjos, Juana y Sergio, Mila e Shiro, Mila e Shiro - due cuori nella pallavolo, Mila e Shiro due cuori nella pallavolo, Mila e Shiro, due cuori nella pallavolo, Pojedynek Aniołów, Pojedynek aniołów, アタッカー You!, アタッカーYOU!, アタッカーユウ!, アタッカー・ユウ!, アタッカーYOU!
Attacker You! is the story of ambitious and energetic 13-year-old junior high schoolgirl You Hazuki (variously known as "