
Mugen Senshi Valis

Rating: 5.54

Alternative Titles

Mugen Senshi Valis PV, Mugen Senshi Varisu, Valis: Legend of a Fantasm Soldier, Valis: The Fantasm Soldier, Valis: The Fantasm Soldier PV, 夢幻戦士ヴァリス


Mugen Senshi Valis is a Japanese platform game series developed by Telenet Japan. The Valis games (as they were known in America) tell the story of Yuko Asou, a Japanese student of the late 1980s that is bound to protect three different kingdoms - our own land, the land of the Spirits, and Vecanti, the world of dreams, by using a mystical sword called Valis. This short anime clip was made as TV commercial for the Nintendo Famicom game.

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