acting age gap based on a manga childhood friends comedy delinquents ecchi ensemble cast episodic female teacher half-length episodes heterosexual high school kuudere large breasts male protagonist manga milf nudity older woman, younger man pantsu present romance romantic comedy school school life seinen short episodes slice of life student-teacher relationship surreal comedy tanned skin teacher teachers tomboy tsundere
Rating: 6.5
Golden Times, Nankoko, Why Are You Here Sensei!?, Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?, Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher?, Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!?, Why the hell are you here, Teacher!?, nankoko, なんでここにせんせいが, なんでここに先生が!?, なんでここに先生が!?, 为什么老师会在这里!, 為什麼老師會在這裡!?, 어째서 여기에 선생님이!?
Second year high school student Ichirou Satou has always been an average person&mdash