action based on a manga bisexual childhood friends comedy curse demon ecchi elemental powers exorcists fantasy female protagonist gender bender gender bending genderbending ghost high school japanese mythology love triangle magic magical sex shift male protagonist manga mythology ninja nudity present romance school shounen slapstick supernatural urban fantasy youkai
Rating: 6.44
Треугольник аякаси, Трикутник Аякасі, เรื่องอลวนคนปิศาจ, あやかしトライアングル, 妖幻三重奏
Ayakashi are strange, supernatural creatures invisible to the majority of people. Though most are harmless, some ayakashi attack humans to devour their life force. Exorcist ninjas are tasked with protecting people from these spiteful spirits. Matsuri Kazamaki is a young exorcist ninja born to a prestigious clan. His childhood friend, Suzu Kanade, is an ayakashi medium&mdash