action adventure alternative world anachronism bar based on a manga bionic powers comedy cyborg drama ensemble cast fantasy fighting-shounen food preparation friendship gambling ganbatte hero of strong character kuudere magic male protagonist manga martial arts monster pirate pirates ships shounen skeleton slapstick slice of life super power superpowers swordplay swords & co tragedy tsundere war
Rating: 7.88
ONE PIECE FILM GOLD, ONE PIECE FILM: GOLD, One Piece Film 12, One Piece Film 13, One Piece Film 13: Gold, One Piece Gold, One Piece Gold: Il Film, One Piece Movie 12, One Piece Movie 13, One Piece Película 13: Gold, One Piece: 12. Film - Gold, op movie 13, ワンピース フィルム ゴールド, 海贼王 黄金城, 航海王之黄金城
Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Crew have finally arrived on Gran Tesoro, a ship carrying the largest entertainment city in the world. Drawn in by the chances of hitting the jackpot, the crew immediately head to the casino. There, they quickly find themselves on a winning streak, playing with what seems to be endless luck. When offered a special gamble by Gild Tesoro&mdash