action adventure alternative world based on a manga beastman bionic powers comedy crime drama fantasy fantasy world fighting-shounen floating island friendship hero of strong character island kuudere magic manga military pirate pirates primarily adult cast primarily male cast psi-powers ships shounen skeleton slapstick stereotypes super power superpowers
Rating: 8.06
ONE PIECE FILM STRONG WORLD, ONE PIECE FILM: STRONG WORLD, One Piece - 10. Film: Strong World, One Piece - Avventura sulle isole volanti, One Piece Film 10, One Piece Film 10: Strong World, One Piece Film : Strong World, One Piece Film Strong World, One Piece Movie 10, One Piece Movie 10: Strong World, One Piece Película 10: Strong World, One Piece: 10. Film - Strong World, One Piece: Avventura sulle Isole Volanti, One Piece: Strong World, op movie 10, ون بيس: العالم القوي, わんぴーすふぃるむすとろんぐわーるど, ワンピース ストロング ワールド, ワンピース ストロングワールド, ワンピース フィルム ストロングワールド, ワンピース フィルム ストロングワールド
Upon hearing news that islands in East Blue are being destroyed, Monkey D. Luffy and his crew go to investigate. On their way, however, an outlandish pirate ship appears out of the sky, helmed by the infamous pirate Shiki "