action adventure alternative world based on a manga cgi comedy cyborg drama ensemble cast fantasy fighting-shounen food preparation friendship hero of strong character island pirate pirates psi-powers shounen slapstick super power superpowers swordplay swords & co
Rating: 7.24
ONE PIECE 〜アドベンチャー オブ ネブランディア〜, ONE PIECE: Adventure of Nebulandia, One Piece Special, One Piece: Abenteuer auf Nebulandia, One Piece: Aventura en Nebulandia, One Piece: La aventura en Nebulandia, わんぴーすあどべんちゃーおぶねぶらんでぃあ, ワンピース~アドベンチャー オブ ネブランディア~
This special will have the Straw Hats fight Foxy again in the New World on Nebulandia, an island that nullifies Devil Fruit powers.