action action comedy adult cast alien aliens almighty hero based on a manga comedy cultivation cyborg cyborgs demons fantasy gods gore henshin kaiju male protagonist manga martial arts monster monsters overpowered main characters parody present primarily adult cast primarily male cast psi-powers robots & android satire sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen splatter stoic hero super power superhero superheroes supernatural supernatural drama superpowers surreal comedy urban urban fantasy violence
Rating: 8.49
1PM, Jagoan Sekali Pukul S1, ONE PUNCH MAN ワンパンマン, OPM, One Punch-Man, One-Punch Man, Seba Jedna Wjeba, Tek Vuruş Adam, Wan Pan Man, Wanpanman, Ванпанчмен, Уанпънч-мен, איש האגרוף הבודד, رجل اللكمة الواحدة, ون بنش مان, วันพันช์แมน, わんぱんまん, ワンパンマン, 一拳超人, 원펀맨
The seemingly unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, Saitama relentlessly trained for three years, losing all of his hair in the process. Now, Saitama is so powerful, he can defeat any enemy with just one punch. However, having no one capable of matching his strength has led Saitama to an unexpected problem&mdash