based on a manga bishounen chibi comedy coming of age delinquent drama genius historical musical primarily male cast royalty school seinen shounen siblings slice of life stoic hero teacher teachers teaching tutors verbal comedy
Rating: 7.35
Gekijou Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine, Gekijou Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine, Gekijouban Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine, Gekijō Ōshitsu Kyōshi Heine, Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine Movie, The Royal Tutor Le Film, The Royal Tutor Movie, The Royal Tutor: La Pelicula, The Royal Tutor: La Película, The Royal Tutor: Le Film, heine movie, 剧场版 王室教师海涅, 劇場 王室教師ハイネ, 劇場版 王室教師ハイネ, 劇場版王室教師ハイネ
The four princes of Grannzreich&mdash