apocalyptic fiction cg-anime cgi cyberpunk drama dystopia dystopian environmental future isolated society lost civilization male protagonist new original work outside world post apocalypse post-apocalyptic sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen short movie shorts space supernatural drama tragedy
Rating: 7.27
Aoi Tamago, Blankusis Kokonas, Tổ Kén Xám, Бледа какавида, Бледный кокон, Блідий кокон, ペイル・コクーン, 记忆裂痕
A future where the continuity of history has broken off, a world of enormous ruins that continues endlessly. Oceans and continents have vanished, existing only within the archives brought up from the remains. Ura works in the Archive Excavation Department, which restores and analyzes the data left behind. One day, he finds a disturbing visual record... (Source: ANN)