action action comedy based on a light novel comedy henshin high school kuudere parody romance school science-fiction short episodes slice of life superheroes tokusatsu vertical anime work life
Rating: N/A
Baito Saki wa "Aku no Soshiki"?!, Baito Saki wa Aku no Soshiki!?, Baito-saki wa „Aku no Soshiki“!?, My Part-Time Job Is at an “Evil Organization”?!, My Part-Time Job is at an Evil Organization?!, Part-time job is "evil organization"!?, バイト先は「悪の組織」!?, バイト先は「悪の組織」!?
Arihisa Aokura needs money. He needs money in order to support his family of orphans and earn a living at the same time. Looking online for potential employees, he finds a posting for a part time job in an "