alternate universe artificial intelligence cg animation cg-anime crime denpa drama episodic fantasy female protagonist full cgi gyaru hacking idol konbini primarily female cast primarily teen cast romance school sci fi sci-fi science fiction short episodes slice of life slice of life drama social media urban
Rating: 5.68
PC, plache, プラトニック・チェーン
In the near future, technology has made a few leaps and bounds, and videophones and constant wireless internet access are available to everyone. However, it would seen that the government has been careless and a skilled hacker was able to break into the national information archive. Using the data held there he creates the Platonic Chain website for people to discover information about themselves and their friends. Words start to spread quickly that there is a site that enables you to look up anything. Coincidentally, three young girls, Hitomi, Rika, and Kanae, are able to access the site. (Source: ANN)