action adult cast artificial intelligence augmented reality cgi crime crime fiction cyberpunk detective drama dystopia dystopian espionage guns mystery noir original work police policeman politics psychological religion sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction sequel supernatural drama suspense thriller
Rating: 7.63
Gekijouban Psycho-Pass: Providence, Gekijō-ban Psycho-Pass PROVIDENCE, PSYCHO-PASS PROVIDENCE, PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス PROVIDENCE, PSYCHO-PASS: PROVIDENCIA, PSYCHO-PASS: Providence, Psycho-Pass : Providence, Psycho-Pass: Providence, Psycho-Pass: Providencia, pp movie 4, Психопаспорт: Провидение, 剧场版 心理测量者 PROVIDENCE, 劇場版 PSYCHO-PASS PROVIDENCE, 劇場版 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス PROVIDENCE, 劇場版 サイコパス PROVIDENCE
In 2113, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) dissolved their secret paramilitary unit known as the Peacebreakers. However, the squad disappeared, and their activities remained a mystery. Five years later, the Peacebreakers resurface when they murder Milcia Stronskaya, a scientist in possession of highly classified documents essential to the future of the Sybil System&mdash