
Red Shoes

Rating: 7.17

Alternative Titles

Blanche Neige, les souliers rouges et les sept nains, Blanche Neige: Les Souliers Rouges et Les Sept Nains, Ledeu Syujeu, Ledeusyujeu, Red Shoes And The Seven Dwarfs, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfes, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, Rotschühchen und die sieben Zwerge, Scarpette Rosse e i sette nani, Snow White and the Red Shoes, Zapatos Rojos y los Siete Trolls, 白雪姫の赤い靴と7人のこびと, 레드슈즈


Princes who have been turned into Dwarfs seek the red shoes of a lady in order to break the spell, although it will not be easy. A parody with a twist.

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