action anime tamago child protagonists comedy contemporary fantasy daily life drama family friendly fantasy female protagonist food and beverage food protagonists friendship ghost japan kids mina new non-human protagonists original work present shorts slice of life slice of life drama supernatural wakate animator ikusei project
Rating: 5.93
2010 Young Animator Training Project, Anime Mirai 2010, Anime Mirai Project 2011, Bannō Yasai Ninninman, PROJECT A, Project A, Super Veggie Torracman, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2010 1, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2011, Young Animator Training Project, Young Animator Training Project 2010 1, Young Animator Training Project 2011, ばんのうやさいにんにんまん, 万能蔬菜卜卜侠, 万能野菜 ニンニンマン, 若手アニメーター育成プロジェクト1
Mari is a young elementary schooler who is terrified of two things&mdash